29 June 2011


What do you want to do with the time you are given?
This question is important to many people, at many times in their life. It might be that you find yourself with the afternoon free, or that you are suddenly on vacation and have an uneasy feeling about how to fill your time without work, TV, or Facebook. Or maybe you are at a crossroads in your life, where you don't feel quite satisfied and you are looking for the next step to take. If you have ever wondered "Is this it?"  then read on!

Both a perceived lack of options, and an overwhelming number of options, can lead to a sort of psychological paralysis, or autopilot. So when you get a feeling of being stuck, bored, or directionless, here is an exercise I've been using lately to get me moving in the direction of my best life. I t is a combination of techniques I have read about that I decided to recombine in a way that works for me. By using your Emotional Guidance System to bring more of what you love into your life in new and unexpected ways, you will be taking a creative first step in finding activities that are fulfilling, and will guide you in the direction of your hopes and dreams, even if you don't know what they are yet!

Step 1: Make a list of 10 or more things that you LOVE in life. It can be anything that makes you happy every time, without fail. Try to be specific. For example: don't say money, because really money is nothing but coloured paper. What would you DO with your money? Would you travel? To a beach? What do you like about the beach? The tranquil blue ocean? What feeling do you feel when you think of the ocean? Tranquility and peace? There you go! Now you have a pure love FEELING, and you can write that down. Or maybe you love fashion, but what about it? The creation? The concept of wearable art? Or do you like the acquisition of it and the status? If it is status, what feeling does that give you? Specialness? Power? Fame? Deconstruct every item so that you get to the bottom of what it is you really love and write down the FEELING it gives you. Be honest, if status or power or fame is important to you don't feel inhibited, it is important to get to the bottom of what it is you are pursuing, and denial is the sworn enemy of self discovery. Use one item at a time and brainstorm words and associations until you get to the bottom of the feeling/s you get from that thing.

Eg: Travel

  • The excitement of getting up early and being at the airport with friends - adventure,excitement
  • Landing and it smells different- rapture, creativity
  • Seeing awesome monuments and buildings, and sights- beauty, rapture, creativity
  • Connection to other people that are so different but the same- love, fun, beauty
  • Staying in hotels- decadence, fun, beauty

Step 2: You will end up with a list of feelings, but you might have quite a few that are the same. Maybe you had two or three feeling words to describe one thing. That's all fine. When I did my whole list of things I loved, a lot of things I loved turned out to bring me feelings of Love, Beauty, and Creativity. Those three things are very important to me, and almost everything I want to be, do, or have revolve around those three things. Some other feelings that came up are Adventure, Fun, Decadence, and Rapture.

Step 3: Review your list. I listed all of the feelings that seemed prominent and looked them over, and tried to find evidence in my life that I really am happiest when these feelings are around. There were a few that didn't fit, and some that I am still struggling to find the right feeling word for. But I am at a point where I am now fairly happy with my list. When your list is done, I would suggest printing it out, and posting it somewhere you can always see it. You can call this list your Core Values.

Step 4: "We don't want things, we want feelings!" Now that you have your list, I guess I have to tell you why you went through the trouble of analyzing your love for cupcakes and sports cars. Well, it's simple really, people often go after things in life : partner, car, house, career, crack cocaine. But what you are really after is the feeling that those things will bring you: Love, acceptance, security, shelter, prestige, happiness. Unfortunately humans are notoriously bad at knowing what will REALLY bring them the right feelings they want. They want love and acceptance, so they buy a sports car or have a teen pregnancy. They want happiness, so they polish off a box of double chocolate chunk cookies, or buy yet another piece of clothing. We see it over and over, at least in others if not in ourselves! So by knowing what feelings predominantly drive you, you can start to chase after those pure feelings, and thereby discover things that will truly bring you your best life.

For example; I used to spend ALL of my money on clothes. And as I bought them, I would imagine making really unique outfits and wearing them to some great outing; a party, or drinks with girlfriends, or shopping. And with that feeling in mind, I would buy yet another bundle of fabric. When I wrote clothes on my list of things I loved and tried to get to the bottom of it, I realized that what I really loved was putting outfits together (creativity, and beauty) and being out and about at nice places with friends (fun, adventure, decadence) and that buying more clothes isn't a good, lasting way to get those feelings. So instead I went after the feelings I wrote down: I found more hobbies that bring creativity and beauty into my life, I started making cool outfits with the items I already have (creativity works best within constraints), and I had more money to actually go out with friends to nice places!

Step 5: Choose only activities, people, things, and places that align with your Core Values. Think of these values as a compass that is always pointing to your true North.  When you feel stuck, whether it is a choice of how to spend your afternoon, or what to study, or who to love, you can use this list to make sure you are guiding yourself toward your best life, and not just doing things the way you have always been doing them. (Because we all know that it is insane to do the same things but expect different results!)

So by doing this exercise (and feel free to re-do your list as often as you like) you will be able to tease out the true feelings that bring you joy in life, from the things you do now because you think they will bring joy. From there you can start to explore new interests that align with your Core Values, and not with what you think you should do, be, or have.

22 June 2011


I envy the wind's caresses across your skin,
and the way she tries to lift the hem of your shirt

I envy the sun that kisses the back of your neck,
and how your skin blushes in response to her heat

I envy the way summer makes you sweat,
but I envy most the cool water that licks clean your skin.

When I am not with you, I envy that summer day.

20 June 2011

A life as a blog...

Creating this blog has me thinking about PASSION, and how the people I know put their love into this world. It started when I was reading a friend Julia's blog and found it not only inspirational, but the most astonishing self portrait of who she really is. I started musing on what my friends would put in their blogs, what they would be called, and how they would look. A blog really is a chance to express who you are. A kind of faceless psychological dress-up doll that expresses your loves and interests and opinions. A blog is a space to express your passions, and to show the world who you are.

I imagine Mary's would be mostly about fashion and travel, and include some delicious recipes. Perhaps her blog would have a yellow and black colour theme,because the likes penguins, and because that seems to be the two sides of her personality; practicality and realism always tugging at her sunny creativity and love of beauty. Would she call it Eat, Shop, Travel?

Rachel's I imagine would have a background of light green and turquoise, maybe with a little hot pink thrown in for good measure. She would blog about natural skincare, about the events she is attending in Calgary (and that everyone should join), and talk about all the great business owners and their great independent businesses. There would be tons of pictures of her friends and family, and reading it will make you feel like family too.

Chris would have a blog that was as complex as he is. Some posts on food, some on music, some on spirituality and philosophy, travel and art, photography and media. The colours would be muted but strong, like a black and white polaroid photo. Every post would be different, and reading his blog would be like peeling back the layers of an onion.

A blog is a window to the soul, and it is endlessly fascinating to think how each person's would look. Appearances are often so deceiving, and I know I am not the only person that longs to know the person behind a face. What would your blog look like?

Born This Way...

Love her, or hate her; Lady Gaga has always done exactly as she pleases and is not really concerned with being commercially viable. And whether I agree with all of who she is or what she represents, is beside the point, because in the end I believe everyone should have the space to be exactly what they want to be. Here are some of my favourite Gaga quotes that I feel are empowering...

"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore." 

"You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way." 

"They can't scare me, if I scare them first." 

"Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it." 

"And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time." 

"I'm a free bitch baby!"

"Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are." 

"I used to walk down the street like I was a fucking star... I want people to walk around delusional about how great they can be - and then to fight so hard for it every day that the lie becomes the truth." 

"I just I felt like a freak, I guess what I'm trying to say is
I want to liberate them, I want to free them of their fears and make them feel that they can create their own space in the world" 

"Sexuality is half poison and half liberation. What’s the line? I don’t have a line. " 

"I've always been famous, it's just no one knew it yet." 

"I want you to walk out of her tonight not loving me more, but loving yourselves more." 

Diane von Furstenburg poses for an iconic portrait...

DVF isn't afraid to show her true self, as is evidence by her latest portrait shoot for Harper's Bazaar.

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V magazine makes a statement...

Another stunning fashion shoot showcasing the "commercial viability" of a realistic body

Beauty fits any size...

It is rare to see pictures of non-airbrushed women in glossy magazine, but it does happen. Your support for images like this will make them more frequent. What a beautiful woman!
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