08 September 2015

Today I had a transcendent experience. I did a 1-on-1 yoga session with a wonderful yoga instructor (and friend) Mary. It turned out to be so much more than yoga. We went to a park, set up our mats, and sat down. Then, she said she likes to start her practice by speaking on a certain topic. For me, her intuition picked “Patience”. The words that followed could not have been more perfect, hit closer to home, or been more comforting to my travel-weary spirit. I shed a few tears, and I felt my heart melt and open. I hadn’t consciously noticed it had started to harden over the last who-know-how-long, except that I have been feeling like I just can’t quite catch my breath lately; like there was a constant constriction around my heart. Finally the constriction had softened. She turned on some music, and we started to flow.

She work-shopped SO MANY POSES that I had been doing incorrectly for years, and adjusted me until everything felt perfectly in alignment. I discovered muscles I don’t think I have ever used before. Sometimes I would shake doing the SIMPLEST pose, because I had been doing it wrong all this time! The delicious stretching and gentle strengthening found places in body that were holding so much tension, so much emotion, and so many toxins, that I kept feeling tingles and waves ripple through as energy blocks got released. It was a spring-cleaning for my body like I had never felt before. Mary is graceful, cheerful, and casual. She is having fun, like she is out to play, not "work". The way she moved, seeing her so happy and in her element, made me think: “I’ll have a tall glass of whatever she’s having!” The energy of that practice was very beautiful, and I got to laugh and be myself. In yoga classes, I find it is a little too fast, and too crowded to really get a pose down right, so my strong muscles would overcompensate, and I would “look” like I was doing some good yoga. But trust me, getting adjusted and feeling how beautiful it is when your body is in alignment, is so different! The bliss is indescribable!

So now I ask you: Where in your life are you just going through the motions? What area do you need to workshop? Where do you need to take a closer look? Release some energy blocks? Get adjusted? Because, my-oh-my, when you start to really ENGAGE the area in your life you were you previously weren't, it is juicy! Right now, think of an area in your life you suspect you can find deeper joy, and have someone workshop it with you! There are so many beautiful teachers out there: in books, on YouTube, and in your life as friends and family, that can help you find deeper joy. Oh but if you can Beg, Barter, or Buy a few sessions with a professional in your chosen area, then you are in for a real treat! Besides the physical bliss, I got a personal message of inspiration, a customized deep heart-opening practice, and even a little lavender-scented massage during Savasana! Since no book or YouTube video has ever done all that, I am seeing Mary again next Tuesday. 

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