Creating this blog has me thinking about PASSION, and how the people I know put their love into this world. It started when I was reading a friend Julia's blog and found it not only inspirational, but the most astonishing self portrait of who she really is. I started musing on what my friends would put in their blogs, what they would be called, and how they would look. A blog really is a chance to express who you are. A kind of faceless psychological dress-up doll that expresses your loves and interests and opinions. A blog is a space to express your passions, and to show the world who you are.
I imagine Mary's would be mostly about fashion and travel, and include some delicious recipes. Perhaps her blog would have a yellow and black colour theme,because the likes penguins, and because that seems to be the two sides of her personality; practicality and realism always tugging at her sunny creativity and love of beauty. Would she call it Eat, Shop, Travel?
Rachel's I imagine would have a background of light green and turquoise, maybe with a little hot pink thrown in for good measure. She would blog about natural skincare, about the events she is attending in Calgary (and that everyone should join), and talk about all the great business owners and their great independent businesses. There would be tons of pictures of her friends and family, and reading it will make you feel like family too.
Chris would have a blog that was as complex as he is. Some posts on food, some on music, some on spirituality and philosophy, travel and art, photography and media. The colours would be muted but strong, like a black and white polaroid photo. Every post would be different, and reading his blog would be like peeling back the layers of an onion.
A blog is a window to the soul, and it is endlessly fascinating to think how each person's would look. Appearances are often so deceiving, and I know I am not the only person that longs to know the person behind a face. What would your blog look like? me thinking what my blog would reveal