I spent a lot of time today thinking about all the conventional "wisdom" that has been passed down to my generation over the years. (What else is there to do while you spring-clean?)
Some wisdom still stands the test of time.
Some wisdom just doesn't serve us anymore, except maybe to remind us of how far we have come compared to generations before us. In honour of WISDOM, here's some general-wisdom-makeovers for the new generation:
Not all who wander are lost... but those who don't WONDER are bound to get lost!
Be weary of anyone who tells you WHAT to think, and welcome anyone who tells you TO think. Most people in previous generations didn't have the luxury to go "find themselves" as we often do. It is imperative, now more than ever, that you do find yourself. That finding will happen in pieces, little by little everyday. It never stops, and so you should never stop looking. It is a life-long process of getting to know, and then falling in love, with yourself.
CLEAN one thing a day that scares you!
- Wether that one thing is something physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or relational.
The days of quantity are over, MAKE ROOM FOR ONLY QUALITY IN YOUR LIFE!
Success is not measured by what you have, it is better measured by what you can let go of.
Previous generations have been OBSESSED by the rat race, and us younger ones (well the AWAKE ones that unplug from the music,tv,computers, and twits every once in a while, and LOOK at the world) have mostly eschewed the pursuit of material gain for SOMETHING else. Some of us don't know what yet, but we just KNOW there is more to life than going from box to box. And by that I mean your house, to your car, to your office/cubicle, to the mall, to your car, to your house again. Times are changing, and at a more accelerated rate than ever! Find out what you are meant to do in this world, and then make it pay. INVENT YOUR JOB, don't just settle for one that has been created for you.
You CAN have it all, but do you even WANT it?
-The marriage, the kids, the cars, the beige house in the upscale suburb, and the corporate job...everything, it's all yours for the taking. I'm just wondering though... instead of daydreaming about those things, have you ever daydreamed about life AFTER you have those things? Do you imagine big dinners in your new kitchen? Do you imagine long baths in your new bathroom? Do you feel the freedom of driving in your new car? Do you feel confident in your new clothes?
Well then... JUST CUT OUT THE MIDDLE MAN! Spend less time going after those material expressions of joy, and more time DOING THINGS that make you feel those joyful feelings. Do meaningful work, create freedom, spend time with loved ones, and enrich your soul to feel more confident. I'm not trying to sound like a hippy, it's really just more efficient!