separation is an illusion
an allusion to the past
of the colonies
of the takeover
of the perceived superiority
of the hetero
but there is no separation
no one is free
until we all are free
and so you continually enslave yourself
when you speak of your superiority
over any other
the coloured man that has tasted bitter oppression
uses that same tongue to call women bitches
keep enslaving yourself
the homosexual man who has won the fight with AIDS in his
own country
looking down on Africans suffering
saying they deserve it
those fucking breeders
keep enslaving yourself
the poor man grown rich
extols the virtues of capitalism
that system that suffocated his family and lead to his
keep enslaving yourself
the christian who in the same breath speaks of the love of
and the fiery pits of hell reserved for those who do not
an intolerance of the grandest nature
keep enslaving yourself
the woman who fights everyday to make it in this world
and then turns around to her fellow sister
and calls her a slut
keep enslaving yourself
keep judging others
keep enslaving yourself…